This calculator helps you find all possible level and IV combinations for a Pokémon.
This is usually useful during an encounter when you want to know if there's a chance
that the Pokemon is a hundo, or highly ranked in PVP for Great (GL) or Ultra league (UL).
This may help inform decisions such as whether to use a Master Ball.
Enter the observed CP and Pokemon species,
set the applicable Scenario (which affects IV floors and level restrictions),
and results will appear.
Base stats are set automatically based on Pokemon species,
but to help when a Pokemon is missing from the autocomplete list,
or its stats are incorrect,
you may enter its stats manually.
The results table is sorted to show you the best IVs first,
according to their ranks in any league (with Rank 1 being the best).
So, for example, a set of IVs that is highly ranked in Great League will
appear at or near the top of the table, even if it is not particular good
in Master League.
Stat Product (SP) is the product of the Pokemon's total stats:
attack x defense x stamina.
SP is proportional to Total Damage Output (TDO) which is one of the most
important metrics in PVP.
IVs are ranked by their best Stat Product achievable within the CP restrictions of each league.
This does not always produce the optimal IVs for every situation,
but this is how IVs are usually ranked.
The IVs that have the highest Stat Product are rank 1,
and the Stat Product of these IVs is called the Max Stat Product (MSP).
The % of MSP tells you how much Total Damage Output you are losing by using this
IV compared to the rank 1 IVs.
For example, 95% of MSP would mean you have 5% less TDO than the rank 1 IVs.
The calculator will never show half levels, even though they may satisfy
certain CP/stat combinations, because wild Pokemon only spawn with integer
levels, not half levels.
For untradeable Pokemon
(Darkrai, Deoxys, Genesect, Zygarde, etc), ranks for Great and Ultra
League are calculated assuming an IV floor of 10/10/10
(the IV floor for raids and research encounters) -
this is because it is impossible to obtain them with lower IVs.
If you'd rather use an overlay app with similar information, check out Calcy IV